петак, 27. јануар 2017.

Strip najava (64): Asteroide Argo #10 - OLTRE LA PORTA DEL TEMPO

Plot: Bepi Vigna
Script: Bepi Vigna
Artwork: Andrea Bormida, Silvia Corbetta
Cover: Max Bertolini

While the invasion of the Other Galaxy by the evil alien insectoid, the Cramos, goes on relentlessly, the crew of Asteroide Argo is forced to confront with the origins of the Humankind and their civilization, on the Earth from the remote past. The final confrontation is nigh, now, and between personal dramas and space battles, a new, unsettling change looms on the horizon!

#NathanNever #Asteroide #Argo #Bonelli #stripovi #comics #Italia #Vigna #SergioBonelliEditore #Bormida #Corbetta #Bertolini

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